Events like the Malone Comic Con are a labor of love by those who created it. Without it and the support of dedicated individuals, we would be buried in the mountain of work that is needed to run such a fantastic event.
Support staff & volunteers will help in operations and communications at the convention. Examples of tasks would be to ensure the emergency exits are kept clear for safety, help at the registration desk, or sit in for a vendor and supervise their table while they take a much needed break.
We honor any and all volunteers who contribute a minimum of a few hours to our convention free admission for themselves and acknowledgement for their involvement.
If you are seeking community service hours for school, participation credit if granted and arranged by your professor, or just want to be a part of a great event that needs community support don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
It is an excellent opportunity to learn the complexities of planning a community event like Malone Comic Con so that some day you will have great insight in planning your own events.